Friday, June 21, 2013

Zonin' Like a Ronin

It's been a long Spring for The Graphitist.  You wouldn't know it by reading this blog (haha) but I've actually kept pretty busy on the art side of things. One big focus was knowing me and the rest of the FR crew would be attending Heroes Con in Charlotte.  It's been almost two weeks since I returned, and I have a lot of thoughts on it (upcoming in a new post,) but for tonight I'm reflecting on the frame of mind I've been in lately.  

I had initially been up and down my first week back. Now, for reasons I have yet to figure out, I have been tuning in a lot more than usual when I'm on the pad.  More often than not after a day of work I skip the traffic and go to a Starbucks to get some drawing time in, and my mind has been a lot...emptier for lack of a better word.  I still take my breaks, check my phone, and watch the people, but when a pen is in my hand I just seem to zone out and focus more than usual.  The pressure of creating something perfect and the inevitable thoughts of where this hobby of mine will take me have temporarily disappeared.  I'm taking that as a good thing.

The pic above is from a few days ago, and, while it's not any better technically than what I've been drawing, it felt better when it was completed. I'm taking that as a good thing too...


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